Standing Diaper Changes for Toddlers
Oh my! The disaster of changing those wiggly, squiggly toddlers! Ever had a little one roll away or stand up in the middle of changing? They also have so much more ability to move their hands and feet where we don’t want them to go. It truly can become a tricky situation really quick. Learning how to change a toddlers diaper standing up can be a game changer. The best tip is to be prepared to anything when doing diaper changes!
Getting Prepared for Toddler Diaper Changes
I always start by making sure I have all the materials ready to go! Get everything you will need before you wrangle your toddler into the diaper changing area. The last thing you need is for your toddler to run out or leave after you take off her diaper.
The Where of Toddler Diaper Changes

You can continue to use the diaper changing table you used for your baby, but we find these to be a little more difficult with the wiggly toddlers. Instead we prefer to change our toddler where they are less likely to fall.
I love changing my young toddlers in between two couch cushions using the gap to hold my toddler still. This makes it a little more difficult for your toddler to roll. Additionally, you can usually distract your toddler with the TV or the toys nearby.
Another great place to change your toddler is on the floor. While your back may not enjoy this, it does keep your toddler safer. We lay down the portable baby changing pad that came with our diaper bag. Yes, your toddler is too long to lay on it lengthwise. So we simply turn it and use it only to cover the diaper area.
With older toddlers, I prefer to change them standing up in the bathroom. Standing up diaper changes seems a little tricky at first, but can be a game changer when potty training. Keep reading to learn how to change a toddler’s diaper standing up. These help keep your toddler engaged too.
The Materials for Standing Diaper Changes
We use the same materials as when we changed our baby. So I gather the wipes, diapers, creams, portable baby changing pad, and toys to the area where I will change my little one. I tend to move away from the changing table because it’s just too much with the wiggly, giggly mover.
Place all the materials by wherever you will change your toddler. If they are still happy to lay down for you, set these out by the changing table, couch, or floor area where you will change them. I set these up in the bathroom for standing diaper changes as I prefer the easy to clean floor when changing standing up. If you feel more comfortable changing your toddler standing out of the bathroom, that’s okay. Just have your toddler stand on a portable baby changing pad.
Favorite Toddler Attention Getters
Once I have all my materials ready, I ensure I have some attention getting materials. We love to sing during diaper changes, which doesn’t require much. However, playing the song on my phone or a music book can be nice too. These can also free you up to focus more on your wiggly toddler too.
We also love fingerplays like “5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed” and “Hurry Hurry Drive the Fire Truck.” If you teach your little one the hand motions, many times the motions for the fingerplay keep their hands and mind busy during the diaper change. This is especially nice so your toddler isn’t touching dirty diapers.
For those times when your little one needs something new, try making up a silly story together. Another example is to just talk to them about your day. Tell your toddler about your adventures today, what you are making for dinner, or a silly moment in your life. They love to hear your voice.
Other great toys we use during diaper changes are bubble machines (who doesn’t love to pop bubbles). Bubbles are great for occupying your toddler’s hands, especially if you place the bubble machine facing their head instead of their body. This keeps the bubbles mostly in one direction and your toddler’s hands there too!
We love books (especially easy to clean board books or photo books in ziploc bags), and noisemaking toys (again, easy to clean). These tend to keep my little one distracted just long enough for me to complete the standing diaper change.
Extra Toys for Standing Diaper Changes
For standing diaper changes, we love toys that can stick to the wall. You can purchase some great interactive toys but can also make some too.
Our kids love toys that suction to the wall. These are great because you don’t need any special materials or surfaces. Some of our favorites include the spinning top toys, squigz, and spinning gears. All of these toys use suction to stick to the wall and can be easily moved where you need them. Our kids love to play with the toys but also just to stick them to the wall again and again.
You can also make your own wall clings. Making wall clings can be fairly easy with some contact paper. We love to use clear contact paper because it makes it easy to wipe them down and keep the clings clean.
We can print out any pattern (mickey mouse, trucks, princesses, fairies, foods, etc). Trace the pattern onto the contact paper, cut out and stick to our wall for play time. Just don’t peel off the backing until you are ready to stick them to the wall.
Or even just cover the pictures with the clear contact paper. When we cut them out, we cut them out in a large square or leave a wide edge around the picture. You’ll need to either reattach the backing or affix these to the wall right away.
Wall clings are easy to adhere to the wall, easy to wipe down, and can be removed when your little one wants some new ones.
Preparing Your Toddler
Now that I’ve got everything set up, I’ll get my little one. I ask them if they are ready for the diaper change. If my little one is never ready, I rephrase the question. Instead, I ask if they are ready now or will be ready in 5 minutes. If they pick 5 minutes, just give them a little time to finish playing and then remind them it has been 5 minutes and is time for their diaper change. This little change in control goes a long way!
If your toddler still isn’t quite ready, that’s okay. Just let them know it’s been five minutes. You are going to change their diaper really quick and they can go right back to playing. Be sure that they do get to go right back to playing so they know they can trust you.
As we walk to our changing area, we talk about what we want to do during our diaper change: which song we will sing, which fingerplay we want to try, or if we need bubbles today. Giving your little one some say also really helps with keeping them engaged throughout the diaper change.
What About Toddlers Who Hate Getting Their Diaper Changed?
Yes, we have all had this day! There are times that no matter what you do, you’re toddler just doesn’t want to stop playing for a diaper change. Here is where you pause and decide what you are going to do.
- You can power struggle with your toddler about moving them to where you want to change their diaper. This will most likely end in a bigger mess with more tears from everyone.
- You can change where your toddler will get their diaper changed. Yes, I have moved all my toddler diaper changing materials to where my little one was playing. Then I lay out the diaper changing pad and do a quick standing diaper change. Is it perfect? Is it ideal? No, but at least my little one is clean and dry.
- You can change when you change their diaper. Most toddlers still nap 1 – 2 times a day, plus they have at least 3 meals a day. Building in diaper changes when your toddler is done playing or before they begin playing can help. We love to change our little one either right before or after meals and again as soon as they wake up from naps. We find our toddler more agreeable then.
How to Change a Toddler Standing Up?
A standing diaper change works very similar to a laying down diaper change, just be sure to support the diaper when you remove it as gravity will pull it to the floor. After taking off the diaper, I try to set it where my little one cannot reach or step into easily – on the side of the toilet, on the counter, or even behind me.
Once the diaper is off, do a quick wipe to clean their bottom. I like to have the wipes open and ready before taking off the diaper. As I wipe, I place everything into the folded diaper to make clean up easy. Additionally, this keeps everything out of my toddler’s reach.
If you happen to be potty training, now is the perfect time to encourage your little one to sit on the potty for a few minutes. Don’t fight them, but offer the opportunity instead. After changing a toddler standing up, it is so easy to encourage potty use that you might as well try. Sing a song or read a story while your toddler enjoys some time on the potty.
Once your toddler finishes up on the potty (or even if they refuse to use the potty), put the new diaper back on. We have everything open and ready, so we just need to put the diaper between our toddler’s legs. Then situate in the front of back of your toddler and affix the zelcro. So easy.
Standing Diaper Change Surprises
While I will change both a pee and bowel movement standing up, I do prefer the more messy ones to be lying down diaper changes. I always ask my little one to check their diaper before the diaper change. We don’t need surprises when changing diapers! If I feel anything in the diaper, we change to a laying down diaper change. Yes, this might mean moving where I change her, but I can usually tell this before we begin.
If you get a surprise in the diaper, don’t panic. You can do this! Use the diaper to wipe up as much as you can before you move the diaper to the side. Then quickly wipe up everything else.
If you feel a little apprehensive changing the diaper, you can also quickly reaffix the diaper. Just place the diaper back on and close the Zelcro. Then move your child to a place where you can lay them down for the toddler diaper change. Your toddler may not like this, so do try to check before you open the diaper. Read for more tips for changing baby while laying down.
Connect with Us for More Tips for Navigating Parenting
We’d love to hear from you. Please leave a comment below if you have every done a standing diaper change. Want to try one, but something holding you back? Let us know, maybe we can help. We hope you learned how to change a baby’s diaper standing up. If you are thinking about potty training, read our potty training chronicles. This will help you get started with this whole journey.
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Hi, I’m Nicole.
Here at Creatingbutterflies we provide families with practical solutions to real life problems for everything parenting, scouting, dual language, and enjoying time outdoors. We are a family of 6 with 4 wonderful becoming bilingual children who loves scouting, camping, and hiking with their family. Mom is an educator and dad is a firefighter/paramedic.
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